
In this game you have to get the raw blocks to be processed by the pulleys and then sell them. In your experience you will be able to use in-game money to upgrade the features of the pulleys and blocks.

Food Empire Inc

Grow your sky farm empire and be a high tech billionaire in this idle farming game.Grow lettuce, strawberry, watermelon, lavender, mint, carrots, tomatoes and even GINSENG, in the sky! The FUTURE is HERE.Use the coins to upgrade your operations.Hire sophisticated managers to automate your tasks.Build new sky farms, high in the sky.Earn money while you… Continue reading Food Empire Inc

One Escape

Crimers has been imprisoned in One Escape. Now you must escape from prison! – A lot of levels – Epic boss fight – Strange jailbreak levels – Escape from prison – Your character is crimer – Prisonbreak

2048 Runner

Navigate through a series of gates and cubes, avoid the negative gates and go in the positive ones and merge to the same cube, but avoid the cubes with different number, you can’t merge with them. You must arrive at the end of level with a number that is greater than or equal to the… Continue reading 2048 Runner