Ship The Sheep

!!!!UPDATED!!!!! Aliens are really interested in exploring life forms of planet Earth. You have a special mission! Control an UFO to steal cute little sheep from Wild West farms and deliver them to your space platform. Collect stars, but pay attention to avoid obstacles

Invaders Combat EG

Invaders Combat is a game of Arcade type spaceships, if you liked the mythical games of yesteryear, Invader Combat will not let you down. This game is set in the games of the recreational machines of the 70 and 80. It starts easy … it gets complicated later Can you get over it?…

STOP Trump vs Kim Jong-Un

This little alien is going to try along with your help to save the Earth.The last war for humanity has begun TRUMP VS KIM JONG-UN.Where there are no winners just lose GOOD LUCK ! 🙂 Este pequeno alien va a intentar junto con tu ayuda salvar la Tierra.Ya comenzo la ultima guerra para la humanidad… Continue reading STOP Trump vs Kim Jong-Un

Space Zap!

Defend yourself from UFO invasion using your spaceship to destroy them, do not let them reach your area.

UFO Defense

Shoot enemies and clear the boss to complete each of your missions. Defend earth from the invaders!


Dr.Rocket is an html5 game with 3 game modes, set among the sparkling stars in the space of space! The game also includes the ranking system. First rank: Astronaut Second rank: Beginner Space Pilot Third Rank: Galaxy Pilot Final Ranking: Legendary Rocketman. If your rank is “Astronaut,, you can only play the game on planet… Continue reading Dr.Rocket

Planet Repair Squad

Fix the Earth while humans are exhausting resources! Play as a UFO, fly over the planet surface, abduct animals, fishes, or trees to save them from factories. Dump pollution into space, maintain ecological balance for as many years as possible.

UFO Hoop Master 3D

Control funny UFO using jetpack based physics to swish as many hoops as possible!

Alex The Alien

Alex the alien is lost on a strange planet! Help him collect coins and open the portal to get to the next level. Travel through 50 levels spread over 3 unique worlds and get back to your spaceship.

Alien Mahjong

Try to remove all the tiles in those 3 levels by matching at least 2 of the same tiles at once. Use the bomb mode when no matches are left to generate new ones and clean the whole level.