Selfie Queen Instagram Diva

Our princess just created her instagram profile and she need to add some great pictures to increase the number of followers.Before the photo sesion she needs to prepare,select a beautiful outfit and go to a make up sesion.You are her personal stylist and you must help her with the make up and dress up.Have fun… Continue reading Selfie Queen Instagram Diva

Ice Queen Wardrobe Cosplay

Trying on different outfits to see which one fits best can be nice, but dressing up as your favorite characters is just fantastic! Help the Ice Queen rearange her wardrobe and see what costumes she finds in the pile of clothes. Use your skills to collect the items, place them in the closet and then… Continue reading Ice Queen Wardrobe Cosplay

STOP Trump vs Kim Jong-Un

This little alien is going to try along with your help to save the Earth.The last war for humanity has begun TRUMP VS KIM JONG-UN.Where there are no winners just lose GOOD LUCK ! 🙂 Este pequeno alien va a intentar junto con tu ayuda salvar la Tierra.Ya comenzo la ultima guerra para la humanidad… Continue reading STOP Trump vs Kim Jong-Un

Sleepy Princess Secret Wardrobe

Discover the most amazing outfits in this new princess game! Help the princess sort out the clothes, then get ready for dress up! After a fun session of decluttering, the secret pile of clothes will transform into an amazing new wardrobe with tons of princess dresses, shoes and accessories. Try on all the items, mix… Continue reading Sleepy Princess Secret Wardrobe

Pixie Secret Wardrobe

Pixie wants a cool change of look, but her closet is a mess! The best way to reorganize is to get every item out on the floor and separate the worn out clothes from the newer ones. That is exactly what you are going to do! Gather up the items, sort them out and after… Continue reading Pixie Secret Wardrobe